
This is a one time payment of €9

Please note!

Before you pay for the app

Make sure your provider content are working.

If your provider content is NOT working, paying for the app will NOT make it work. By paying for the app you will only unlock the trial version.

We are giving you trial days to test the app before we ask you to unlock it. This is because we want to make sure that YOUR provider content works with our player.

We are not a content provider and no content will be provided with your payment. Your payment amount will not be refunded.
Device ID

Device ID is used to identify your device. Once you've made a payment, you can use the app as much as you want on this specific device. You can find your device ID on top-left side when opening the app.

Making payment on IPStreamz is perfectly safe and secure. We use one of the most popular and trusted payment solutions in the world in order to make you feel confident that your credit card and payment information is handled in a secure way. You can read more about our payment partner Braintree, a Paypal service, here.